After BRCA1 and BRCA2-what next? Multifactorial segregation analyses of three-generation, population-based Australian families affected by female breast cancer

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Cui J, Antoniou AC, Dite GS, Southey MC, Venter DJ, Easton DF, Giles GG, McCredie MR, Hopper JL (2001) After BRCA1 and BRCA2-what next? Multifactorial segregation analyses of three-generation, population-based Australian families affected by female breast cancer. Am J Hum Genet 68:420-431


Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 that cause a dominantly inherited high risk of female breast cancer seem to explain only a small proportion of the aggregation of the disease. To study the possible additional genetic components, we conducted single-locus and two-locus segregation analyses, with and without a polygenic background, using three-generation families ascertained through 858 women with breast cancer diagnosed at age <40 years,="" ascertained="" through="" population="" cancer="" registries="" in="" melbourne="" and="" sydney,="" australia.="" extensive="" testing="" for="" deleterious="" mutations="" in="" brca1="" and="" brca2,="" to="" date,="" has="" identified="" 34="" carriers.="" our="" analysis="" suggested="" that,="" after="" other="" possible="" unmeasured="" familial="" factors="" are="" adjusted="" for="" and="" the="" known="" brca1="" and="" brca2="" mutation="" carriers="" are="" excluded,="" there="" appears="" to="" be="" a="" residual="" dominantly="" inherited="" risk="" of="" female="" breast="" cancer="" in="" addition="" to="" that="" derived="" from="" mutations="" in="" brca1="" and="" brca2.="" this="" study="" also="" suggests="" that="" there="" is="" a="" substantial="" recessively="" inherited="" risk="" of="" early-onset="" breast="" cancer.="" according="" to="" the="" best-fitting="" model,="" after="" excluding="" known="" carriers="" of="" mutations="" in="" brca1="" and="" brca2,="" about="" 1/250="" (95%="" confidence="" interval="" [ci]="" 1/500="" to="" 1/125)="" women="" have="" a="" recessive="" risk="" of="" 86%="" (95%="" ci="" 69%-100%)="" by="" age="" 50="" years="" and="" of="" almost="" 100%="" by="" age="" 60="" years.="" possible="" reasons="" that="" our="" study="" has="" implicated="" a="" novel="" strong="" recessive="" effect="" include="" our="" inclusion="" of="" data="" on="" lineal="" aunts="" and="" grandmothers,="" study="" of="" families="" ascertained="" through="" women="" with="" early-onset="" breast="" cancer,="" allowance="" for="" multiple="" familial="" factors="" in="" the="" analysis,="" and="" removal="" of="" families="" for="" whom="" the="" cause="" (i.e.,="" brca1="" or="" brca2)="" is="" known.="" our="" findings="" may="" have="" implications="" for="" attempts="" to="" identify="" new="" breast="" cancer-susceptibility="">

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